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My name is Sterre De Wit. In secondary school, I studied visual arts and graphic design at BA Caputsteen, Mechelen. I am currently studying editing at RITCS, Bruxelles. What I find so magical about art is that I can express myself in any way I want! Letting the audience experience the feeling that I want them to feel is very important to me. I am very interested in installations and museums/exhibitions where the viewer can serve and experience something. So something interactive. That is why I chose an installation for my final project of the final year in secondary school. I also want the viewer who looks at my art to be touched and to be confronted with what they are going to feel at that moment. Making art and looking at it is something I love to do. I hope that you can get inspired by my art.




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Art runs in the family. Not just art like painting or drawing, but all types of art. Some of my family members play theater, some make music, TV shows are played, and so on. This brought me into contact with art at a young age. My relatives' homes are always beautifully decorated with giant paintings and sculptures. As a child, I always thought this was beautiful and I could walk through the houses as if I were in a museum. Over the years I started drawing and painting a lot, working with clay, and so on until I went to study art at BA Caputsteen. Going in this direction allowed me to fully immerse myself in the art, learn different techniques and experiment with many different materials. I am immensely grateful to the art teachers for this because their help and feedback got me where I am today.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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